Case Results


Assault Domestic Violence Dismissed by DA (Ms. H.)

DUI Dismissed by DA (Ms. C.)

Burglary and Assault Dismissed by DA (Ms. C.)

DUI Dismissed (Mr. G.)

Child Abuse Dismissed by DA (Ms. W.)

Assault Domestic Violence Dismissed by DA (Ms. S)

Assault Domestic Violence Dismissed by DA (Ms. K)

Obstruction of a Peace Officer Dismissed (Mr. H)

DUI Dismissed by DA (Mr. O)

Hit and Run Dismissed (Mr. H)

Careless Driving (Serious Injury) Dismissed

Deferred Judgment Revocation Dismissed by Court. (Mr. A)

Domestic Violence Disturbing Dismssed by DA (Mr. J)

Secured Early Release of 3rd and 4th DUI Offense Due to COVID-19


DUI Dismissed During Trial (Ms. R.)

DUI Not Guilty Trial (Mr. C.)

DUI Not Guilty Trial (Mr. M.)

DUI Not Guilty Trial (Mr. G.)

DUI Not Guilty Trial (Breath Test >.08) (Ms. H.).

DUI Not Guilty Trial (Mr. A.)

Domestic Violence Assault Not Guilty Trial (Mr. S.)

Domestic Violence Criminal Mischief Not Guilty Trial Verdict (Mt. A)

DUI 2nd Offense Not Guilty Trial Verdict (Mr. S.)

DUI 3rd Offense Not Guilty Trial Verdict (Mr. G)

DUI Not Guilty Trial (Mr. T)

DMV Interlock Hearing WIN on merits (Ms. S., Mr. G)

DMV Express Consent WIN on merits (Mr. S, Mr. E, Mr. B, Ms. G, Ms. S., Mr. C, Mr. C., Ms. P, Ms. H, Ms. A.)


Felony Domestic Violence Involving Deadly Weapon Reduced to Misdemeanor with No Jail Time (Mr. E.)

DUI Pled to Reckless Driving (Ms. A.)

DUI Pled to Reckless Driving (Mr. A)

DUI Pled to Non-Alcohol Offense During Trial (Mr. M)

Denver Misdemeanor Sex Offense Dismissed for Non-Sex Plea

Boulder Misdemeanor Sex Offense Dismissed for Non-Sex Plea

DUI Pled to Reckless Driving (Mr. M)

DUI Pled to Reckless Driving (Mr. K)

Felony Robbery Reduced to Misdemanor Deferred Judgment (to be dismissed in 18 months).  

DWAI with crash reduced to 3 point traffic infraction.  (Mr. T)

DF4 Felony Drug Charge reduced to M3 Disorderly Conduct

DUI BAC over .08 reduced to Reckless Driving (Ms. H)

DUI, Hit and Run Acquittal at Jury Trial (Mr. T - Co-counsel case)

DUI pled to Reckless Driving (Mr. S)

DUI pled to Reckless Driving (Mr. N)

DUI pled to Reckless Driving with BAC >.150

Habitual Traffic Offender and Evading Interlock pled to Zero Point Violation (Mr. U)

Hit and Run pled to Zero Point Violation (Mr. D)

Hit and Run pled to Two Point Violation (Ms. R)

DUI Dismissed, guilty plea to Class 3 Misdemeanor (Mr. Z)

DUI pled to Reckless Driving (Mr. T)

DUI 2nd Offense in 5 years pled to Reckless Driving (Ms. S)

DUI pled to Reckless Driving (Ms. P)

Class 4 Felony Institutional Theft reduced to 2 year Deferred Judgment (To Be Dismissed after 2 years) (Ms. E)

Class 5 Felony Theft reduced  to 2 year Deferred Judgment (To Be Dismissed after 2 years) (Mr. B)

Class 1 Misdemeanor Theft Dismissed by DA (Mr. M)

DUI pled to Reckless Driving (Mr. B)

Class 6 Felony Failure to Register DIsmissed by DA

DWAI pled guilty to Careless Driving (Mr. M)

DWAI pled guilty to 2 year Deferred Judgment (To Be Dismissed after 2 years) (Mr. T)

DUI pled guilty to Reckless Driving (Mr. K).

*The above represent real Robert Malen LLC Clients. Each client’s case is different and you should not expect the same or similar results in every case.